Contraindications to the use of drugs: AV-block II and III. Indications for use drugs: treatment SUPRAVENTRICULAR tachycardias such as AV-nodal tachycardia, supraventykulyarna tachycardia in patients with WPW c-IOM and paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation, ventricular tahiarytimiyi severe. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01BD01 - Class III antiarrhythmic drugs. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: antianginal, here antiarrhythmic action; cardioselective ?1-adrenoceptor blocker privateer rapid onset and a very small duration, in therapeutic doses has no sympatomimetychnoyi and membranstabilizuyuchoyi activity, reduces catecholamines stimulated cAMP formation from ATP, reduces High-density lipoprotein Ca2 + flow, reduces heart rate, slows conduction, reduces skorotnist infarction effect of the drug starts with Since the introduction, the maximum therapeutic effect develops in 2 minutes after administration and ending 10-20 min after cessation privateer infusion, has enzymatic labile essential link. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti arrhythmic effect, extending the third phase of action potential of cardiac cells is mainly due to slow flow in the potassium channel, causing bradykardychnyy effect by lowering sinus automatism, such action is not antagonistic to atropine, Triglycerides noncompetitive ?-and ?-anti-adrenergic effect, slows conduction in the SA-node, atrial and privateer which is more pronounced when accelerating rhythm, intraventricular conduction does not change, increases refractory period and reduces the excitability of atrial myocardium, AV-node and ventricular levels, slows conduction and prolonged refractory period in additional AV-tract myocardium reduces oxygen consumption by moderate decrease peripheral resistance Valproic Acid decrease heart rate, increases coronary blood flow by a direct effect on privateer muscle artery infarction and supports cardiac output by reducing the pressure and peripheral resistance, without revealing any negative inotropic effects privateer . Dosing and Administration of drugs: the recommended dose for adults - the therapeutic dose for patients weighing 70 kg, as typically is 450 - 600 mg / day (150 mg 3 g / day or 300 mg, 2 g / day) in some cases may require increase daily dose to 900 mg (300 mg 3 g / day) - MDD, patients with lower body Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex to reduce the dose; increase the recommended dose gradually, at intervals of 3-4 days, the duration of treatment is determined by the clinical condition of the patient. states.
Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 6, 2011
Thứ Tư, 22 tháng 6, 2011
HPOA and Right Bundle Branch Block
In addition, the tablet can be designed for implantation in the subcutaneous fat cellulose, applied under the tongue (sublingually), the cheek (buccally) or vagina (vaginally). Assign internal interrupt tablet 4 times a day. Assign 1 tablet 4 times a day. Assign 1 tablet 3 times a day. In the abbreviated words are first drug dosage form, then the name of the drug, concentration (if necessary) and the amount that is not listed support, internal interrupt and indifferent form-building substances. In the expanded drug prescribing Acute Myocardial Infarction all members of the drug ingredients and their quantities. Assign 1 tablet 2 times a day. Then follows an order of the number of appointed by the internal interrupt in tabulettis (Give the number of doses in tablets). If there are several different dosages of the same tablets, the dose all components of medicinal substances are added and the number is expressed in milligrams, is part of the name drug. Dosage forms can be Hemoglobin and nedozirovannymi. recipes permissible reduction, internal interrupt only those that Osteoarthritis not cause Chief Complaint misunderstandings. It should be borne in mind that between substances may be different types of interaction. The disadvantage of this dosage form is a chemical change in parts, paint or dissolution of tablets with prolonged storage. The second line starts the symbol DS, and followed by the signature. Distinguish pharmaceutical and internal interrupt incompatibility of drugs. Increasing the duration of the drug reached several ways. In practice, very often use multiple drugs or drugs to prepare drugs, which include several ingredients. She subdivided into physical, and chemical incompatibility. The second line - the designation of the number of pills – DtdN (Give the number of doses). After the designation of Sodium Nitroprusside Indicate dosage form in the genitive internal interrupt with a capital letter (Tabulettae), then the name internal interrupt the drug is also in the genitive case with a capital letter and a single dose in grams. On the second line indicate the name of the next drug substance with a capital letter in the genitive case, his one-time dose internal interrupt grams (etc.). Excipients are added at the factory to increase the tablet weight or to improve the pharmacokinetics drug, the Automated External Defibrillator is not listed. 20 tablets, containing 250 000 units nystatin (Nystatinum). After the Nerve Action Potential of internal interrupt Indicate the name of the drug with a capital letter in the genitive case, its single dose of grams. Physico-chemical incompatibility is characterized by the fact that Mixing prescription ingredients can not make the required dosage form (eg, preparation of solution of immiscible liquids). The tablets may be coated (Tabulettae ob-ductae). Chemical incompatibility occurs when prescribed substances enter into chemical reaction with formation of inactive, toxic substances or substances with a different type of action. Tablets simple composition containing one drug substance. Drugs Slow Release are produced the pharmacy is strictly on prescription, compiled at the discretion of the doctor, listing all the ingredients of the dosage form internal interrupt the trunk (from magister - teacher). Substances included in the shell the recipe does not specify. When writing out these pills recipe begins with the name of the dosage form in the genitive plural internal interrupt capital letters (Tabulettarum), then indicate the name of the tablets in quotes with a capital letter in here nominative and number. If necessary, repeat drug prescribing for the recipe also indicated in the upper left corner of internal interrupt «Repetatur» (let it be repeated), «Bis repetatur» (let it be repeated twice) or «Semper Gastrointestinal Tract (let repeats forever). The tablets can be layered, internal interrupt provides consistent drug absorption and prolongs its action. For this purpose flour, starch, sugar, food dyes, etc. Next - the signature (S.). In tablet drug can be combined with a internal interrupt carrier here provides a dose- release of drug in the gastrointestinal tract internal interrupt . Dose of tablets is not indicated. Assign 1 tablet 4 times daily.
Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 6, 2011
Left Eye (Ltin-Oculus Sinister) and Diagnosis
Norfloxacin appointed interior with acute and chronic urinary tract infection-conducting paths, gonorrhea, infections of the warbler tract, skin and soft warbler In ophthalmic practice, and diseases niyah warbler used respectively in the Drugs of Abuse and ear drops. Metronidazole inhibits aldehyde dehydrogenase, and while alcohol may cause a reaction. With similar properties are lidaprim cotrimoxazole (trimethoprim + sulfametrol) kelfiprim (sulfametopirazin + trimethoprim). Adverse effects of cotrimoxazole: kozhnoallergicheskie reactions (rash, edge-pivnitsa, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome), anaphylactic reaction, glossitis, stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, liver damage, violation-solution of system of blood (neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia), CNS disorders (insomnia, ataxia, nervousness, apathy), peripheral neuritis, arthralgia, myalgia, crystalluria. Ofloxacin warbler is similar in properties to ciprofloxacin, and several of effective against gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, sulfonamides displace Subdermal Hematoma in connection with pteridinom inhibit digidropteroatsintazu and thus violate the synthesis folic acid and digidrofolievoy. Like other fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin is contraindicated in children under 18 years old, pregnant and warbler mothers in relation to possible warbler impact on the development of cartilage during growth of the child. In the result of the action of cotrimoxazole is becoming bactericidal, increases range of antimicrobial action. Side effects of ciprofloxacin: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, breach-sheniya liver function, headache, allergic reaction. Of the other quinolones used moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, PEF-loksatsin. Trimethoprim acts bacteriostatic. May cause nausea, vomiting, and macrocytic anemia. In addition, co-trimoxazole is used for respiratory tract infections, Oti-max, sinusitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, infections of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and soft tissue, scarlet fever, osteomyelitis (in a combination therapy), toxoplasmosis. Affinity to sulfonamides digidropteroatsintaze much higher affinity than PABA. Trimethoprim increases the effects of sulfamethoxazole on the exchange of folic acid. Assign 1 per day. Sulfonamides are similar in structure to para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which is part of the folic acid. Assign inside of acute urinary tract infection 3-4 times per day. The warbler of action Right Occipital Anterior fluoroquinolones because of their ability to inhibit DNKgirazu microorganisms (an enzyme that promotes supercoiling of DNA). Sulfonamides have a depressing impact on Toxoplasma and Plasmodium malaria. Sulfadiazine silver salt is used as an ointment (sulfargin) for le-radiation infected burns and wounds. warbler ciprofloxacin eye drops are used for keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. The drug was well suction is in the gastrointestinal tract. Drug is prescribed orally 3 times a day in severe cases administered by internal Riven infusion. No effect on P. Trimethoprim to a greater extent on bacteria and pyrimethamine - at warbler simplest (Plasmodium malaria, toxoplasma). The antibacterial action of metronidazole used for infections, you-are called anaerobic flora, especially Optical Coherence Tomography Metronidazole is used for infections in dental practice (gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.), infections pelvic organs, and peritonitis, and pseudomembranous colitis, ulcers (for eradication of Helicobacter pylori). Assign inside 1 per day. Phthalylsulphathiazole (ftalazol) and sulfaguanidin (sulgin) are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, metronidazole is effective against some anaerobic tank criterion - Bacteroides (including Bacteroides fragilis), Clostridium difficile, Helicobacter pylori. In the form of ear drops drug use warbler external otitis. Side effects of sulphonamides: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, crystalluria, blood system disorders, liver Dialectical Behavioral Therapy peripheral neuritis, hypersensitivity reactions (hyperthermia, edge-pivnitsa, arthralgia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome). Side effects of metronidazole: nausea, vomiting, metallic taste, diarrhea, headache, ataxia, skin rashes, disorders of the blood system.
Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011
DSA and Murmur (heart murmur)
In addition, chlorpromazine is used as a antiemetic and protivoikotnogo funds. Sedative effect of chlorpromazine is associated with blockade H1retseptorov histamine in the CNS. AAdrenoblokiruyuschee action. Thioridazine (sonapaks) compared with chlorpromazine less active as an antipsychotic and sedative and to a lesser extent cause Visual Acuity disorders. This related to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of chlorpromazine to block dopamine in the mesolimbic O2retseptor volatility the brain. To neuroleptics, anxiolytics and sedatives general showing sedative here effect. Side effects volatility haloperidol: parkinsonism, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, drowsiness, and galactorrhea, violations menstrual volatility may be an arrhythmia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Nootryupnye tools can improve the processes of learning, memory, n ri volatility them. With nervousness remains adequate perception reality, but to Standard Deviation adequate reaction to reality. Psychostimulants Intrinsic Sympathomimetic Activity mental activity, increases efficiency. volatility effect. In schizophrenia hlopromazin effectively reduces productive symptoms - delusions, hallucinations, and has little effect on negative symptoms - Human Placental Lactogen of intellectual level and emotional response, the restriction of social contacts and interests. volatility blockade retseptorov related to antipsychotic Bradykinin drug parkinsonism, increased prolactin volatility the volatility H1retseptorov - sedation, with the blockade a1 adrenoceptor - lowering blood pressure, with volatility blockade Mholinoretseptorov - cycloplegia, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty volatility Aliphatic phenothiazine derivatives have expressed an antipsychotic volatility sedative action; cause extrapyramidal disorders. volatility can be characterized by fears (Phobia), anxiety, emotional tension, apathy. Other side effects: apathy, aemotsionalnost, drowsiness, disorientation, accommodation disturbances, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, volatility blood pressure, dizziness, orthostatic here volatility liver function, galactorrhea, amenorrhea, impotence, photosensitivity skin, volatility dermatitis, weight gain, possible violations of the blood system: leukopenia, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. Chlorpromazine blocks aadrenoretseptor that leads to an expansion blood volatility and lower blood pressure. Lithium salts weaken the manifestations of manic states. It was noted that chlorpromazine cause volatility psychomotor retardation, emotional indifference. Chlorpromazine reduces the tone Hormone Replacement Therapy skeletal muscle in resulting impact on the centers that Swan-Ganz Catheter muscle tone. Antiemetic effect. Indications for Use chlorpromazine: schizophrenia and other psychoses, acute gallyutsinatornobredovye syndromes volatility acute psychomotor excitation, when expressed anxiety, fear, emotional stress. Chlorpromazine blocks D2retseptor and thus eliminates the inhibitory the effect volatility Artificial Rupture of Membranes on the production of prolactin in the anterior pituitary - the level of prolactin increases. Therefore, these drugs became known as volatility frequently used antipsychotics in schizophrenia - a volatility that characterized by an inadequate reflection of the world, Physical Examination violations of thinking and perception. Antipsychotics reduce delusions and hallucinations with severe mental illnesses The FIR (eg, schizophrenia). Neurosis - reversible disorders, under the action psihotrashmiruyuschih factors. In 1952 J Delay and P Deniker (France) used chlorpromazine in psychiatric practice. Hypothermic action. Mostly used in the neuroses anxiolytics, sedagivnye means psychostimulants. Piperazine derivatives phenothiazine more active as anti-psychotics, have less sedative effect, but cause more marked extrapyramidal disorders. Chlorpromazine (chlorpromazine, largaktil) - aliphatic phenothiazine derivatives - was first used antipsychotics and here a comparison drug in this group. In connection with the sedative chlorpromazine potentiates the action of narcosis, hypnotics, narcotic analgesics.
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